Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Chase's adventure for Wednesday was a visit to his favorite place: the Train House. Chase spent a long time playing with the trains on the Thomas tables. He also played in the kitchen. He watched in amazement as another little boy swept all the contents of the kitchen cabinets, etc. onto the floor, making a huge mess. A little later, the same little boy threw all the mega blocks on the floor, making another mess. Fortunately, the little boy didn't notice the wooden blocks or they would have probably suffered a similar fate. After their time in the Creation Station, Chase and Nanaw went to explore the trains in the train yard. Chase had a great time climbing in and out of his favorite trains. Next, Chase and Nanaw rode on the little red train. Then they went into the bookmobile that's in the lobby. Chase also tried to play on the Thomas table that it's in the cafe area, but a little boy started a fight with him, trying to take away the train Chase was playing with. So Nanaw and Chase left the cafe area. On their way out, Chase and Nanaw tried to visit the caboose outside the building but unfortunately for some reason both doors of the caboose were locked. Mama, Daddy and Chase went out to dinner at the West End Cafe in Millstadt, and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase with his duckling Pez dispenser and his lemonade.

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