Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

On Tuesday morning, Nanaw asked Mama to bring Chase's boots along when she brought Chase to Nanaw's house. Nanaw wanted Chase to help gathering up Pawpaw's Christmas flowers at the cemetery after school. But when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he asked if they could wait till after school on Wednesday because he had so much homework. So Nanaw said yes, that would work, and they might even have extra time because Chase has an ortho appointment tomorrow afternoon. Chase worked on his math problems in a worksheet packet on figuring out percentage changes. He also worked on a history worksheet about the start of the Civil War. His geography test continues tomorrow; Chase said there are 100 questions on the test. Chase and Nanaw did some studying of the Mockingbird vocabulary words for the test tomorrow. Unfortunately, they ran out of time, and Chase didn't get enough studying done at Nanaw's house. He has hockey practice tonight, and he was going to try to study the vocabulary words before and after practice.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday, January 13, 2025

During the past couple of months, Chase has been his most delightful self. He's loving and talkative and friendly and fun to be around. On this morning's drop-off call to Mama, Nanaw told her how sweet and wonderful Chase has been lately, and Mama agreed. Nanaw is crossing her fingers that Chase's good mood and great outlook last a long time. He had his science and math tests today but the geography test was postponed till Tuesday. He said he also had a Mockingbird quiz with open sources today. On Wednesday, they're going to have a quiz without open sources so he'll be studying the Mockingbird materials tomorrow after school. After school today, Chase studied his geography materials for the test tomorrow. He also has a DLR quiz in English tomorrow. On Friday, he'll have a test on pronouns in English. Toward the end of his time with Nanaw, he said his stomach didn't feel good, and she gave him some Tums. He texted Mama and Daddy about his stomach but didn't hear back from them. He ended up not going to baseball practice tonight because of his stomach. Practice was called 500 reps, which is a workout session. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday, January 12, 2025

On Sunday morning, Daddy and Chase didn't go to mass because Chase had a morning hockey game. Chase and Daddy both said the team played well even though they didn't win. Mama went to a visitation for the mother of her friend Terry in Florissant in the afternoon. Nanaw came over to help Chase study for tomorrow's science test at about 4:30. After going through the papers he was going to study, they discovered that he was missing the vocabulary quizzes for chapters 1 and 2 of his science book. So they had to recreate the vocabulary lists and definitions so Chase could study them. Unfortunately, that took more than an hour so it really cut into the study time. He did well on the vocabulary quizzes when he took them, and he did well on studying them. Unfortunately, from looking at the four tests he was studying for the test, there weren't many vocabulary questions on them. Most of the questions on the tests were problems that the students had to solve, using the formulas and processes that they'd learned. The problems weren't impossibly hard but you had to really think about them. Because time for studying was getting short, on the four tests, Chase mainly studied the questions he'd gotten wrong on the tests. Sometimes the teacher had given Chase the correct answer to the questions but sometimes he hadn't, and Chase had to figure those out, which was good practice for him. Nanaw left about 6:45 so Chase could do his math IXL, which is due tomorrow.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Chase had a hockey game today and said that his team played well. He told Nanaw they lost the game but that was understandable because they were playing against the best team. Nanaw came over about 4:30 to help Chase study for his major science test over four chapters in the science textbook on Monday. Yesterday during Chase's snow day, they studied the material in chapters 1 and 2. Today at Chase's house, they studied the material in chapters 3 and 4. Tomorrow at Chase's house, they'll study the four tests and 4 vocabulary quizzes that the class has taken. Nanaw looked them over and saw what a lot of material there is to study. Chase did well on the four vocabulary quizzes, making As on all of them. On the tests he made Bs and Cs. Mama made French onion soup for dinner, and Nanaw wasn't going to eat any because of all the fattening (but delicious) food she ate over the holidays. Then Mama suggested that Nanaw have some without cheese and bread, and Nanaw thought that was a great idea. The soup was wonderful. Daddy made a fire in the fireplace, and Tyler (the beautiful black cat) laid on the sofa enjoying the ambience. Nanaw sat next to him, petting him and liking the fire. Chase walked out to Nanaw's car with her to make sure she didn't slip on the icy sidewalk and driveway. He's such a great guy.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025

Mama and Daddy were going to take Chase to school on Friday morning because of the snow forecast. But at 5 a.m., they got an email or text saying that school was cancelled. So Mama texted Nanaw that Daddy would bring Chase over about 10. There was about two inches of snow. When Chase and Daddy got there, Chase had brought his sled, and he went down Nanaw's hill a couple of times. After Daddy left, Chase wanted to go to the big hill -- he said nobody was there. Nanaw was afraid Mama and Daddy wouldn't want Nanaw to take Chase out in the snow but he texted them and they said it was okay. Chase went down the big hill several time but he said the snow wasn't as good as it was the other day. For lunch, Chase had a ramen noodle thing Mama sent with him. He ate every bite of it so he must have really liked it. He also had oyster crackers and whales crackers. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw studied two chapters of the four chapters in his science book that they have to study this weekend for the test on Monday. They'll study the second two chapters this weekend, plus going over the tests and vocabulary quizzes on the four chapters. This science material is really difficult, and Nanaw hopes Chase absorbs enough of it to get a decent grade. He currently has a B in science. Part of his hockey practice for tonight was cancelled, but the other part is still on. Nanaw discovered that Chase left his sled in her trunk but Mama says he doesn't need it, and he has another one.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Chase was in a good mood on Thursday morning and was having a great time with Truman. He loves that tiger! When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he'd heard they were going to have  more snow. He said yes and that he hoped he had another snow day tomorrow. He told Nanaw that his geography test had been moved to Monday but that he has a math quiz in place of it. He said the quiz will have something to do with the protractor and that it would be easy. When they got to Nanaw's house, she warmed up his mozzarella sticks from Joe Boccardi's, He said they were really good and ate all three of them. Chase worked on finishing his English homework assignment  on relative clauses. He also has to write an essay for history on a current event. He thinks he'll have time to do it in class tomorrow. Hi main home work is studying for tomorrow's science test over chapters 1 to 4. It's a lot of material to study and he only spent a few minutes on it at Nanaw's house. When Nanaw took Chase home, she and Chase reported to Mama about the status of all his homework assignments and studying for tests. Mama said he could study before he goes to baseball practice and after he gets home. Hopefully that will be enough time for Chase to study his science.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Mama had the day off for her birthday so she took Chase to school for his back to school venture after 16 days of Christmas vacation and two snow days. Mama and Nanaw had a birthday lunch at Tequila's, with a fried ice cream for Mama's birthday. Then they visited Hallmark where Mama bought three ornaments: a Sidney Crosby, a Zero and a little bluebird. Nanaw picked Chase up from school, and they had to walk a long way around the cars to get to Nanaw's car because of the piled up snow. Chase had lots of homework, and they worked on it till 5 p.m. He has two tests on Friday, one in science and one in geography. For Mama's birthday dinner, Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Joe Boccardi's and had a wonderful meal. Chase had bread and butter, mozzarella sticks as an appetizer, a salad with ranch dressing, and ravioli in meat sauce. At Nanaw's house, they had cherry chip cake and cherry fudge ice cream. It was a great evening.