Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Chase had baseball practice this afternoon at Power House. After practice, Nanaw went over to Chase's house to play games with Chase and Mama. First, they played two games of Clue. Nanaw has been wanting to play Clue for months now, since around Christmas time, when they first played. Nanaw thinks that Clue is her favorite game. Mama won the first game. They ended the second game before it was over because Chase made an accusation that was incorrect, and he would have been sort of out of the game. Then next, they played Go Fish, and Chase won as usual, of course. Chase and Nanaw played Concentration; Mama joined them when she came back upstairs from doing laundry. Then, they played some non-games that Chase made up. Then Mama and Chase played a couple games of Blackjack, while Nanaw watched. By then, it was time for Chase to change into his hockey gear for hockey practice. Mama was going along with Chase and Daddy to practice. She was definitely taking along a blanket because it's cold at the hockey rink. On the way home, they're going to get Burger King for dinner. Tomorrow, Mama and Chase have the day off from work and school. At noon, they're going to the orthodontist in Waterloo to get Chase's braces taken off. When they're done, they're coming over to Nanaw's house. Mama is going to make movie popcorn using Nanaw's pot. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Chase didn't come over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning because Uncle Mike and cousin Joey were coming over to help Nanaw get rid of her big TV and buy a new TV and a stand. All went very well except for hooking up the VCR/DVD player. Joey and Nanaw went to Walmart and Best Buy to try to buy the converter that they needed but couldn't find the right one so Nanaw ordered it from Amazon. It's coming Monday, and hopefully, it will work. Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house in the afternoon when the TV was set up. Earlier in the day, Chase and Daddy were outside tearing up cardboard boxes to burn in the firepit. Then Chase and Daddy played baseball. Mama had to go let Aunt Becca's of Buddy out because Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan were out of town. Chase's Aunt Ginnie is coming from Tennessee to visit Grandma Pat tomorrow. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw played in the computer lab. Chase played on the tablet and then on the computer. When Nanaw took Chase home, he told her about baseball practice last evening at the big park. He told her he didn't have to wear a mask and that he got to practice pitching. He also said that they stayed at the big park practicing till it was dark. He seemed delighted about that.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Chase wore a pair of his cute Halloween jammies this morning, the ones that say Boo. So Nanaw took pictures of him. Then when he was brushing his teeth, he decided that Tee Tee needed to brush his teeth with the vibrating toothpaste, and Nanaw took pictures of that also. Nanaw had a horrendous breathing test today at St. Clare -- bad experience. She couldn't do one part because of her claustrophobia; they had a glass box where they closed the door. Nanaw told the technician she couldn't do the test. Nanaw was very happy to get out of there. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him they were going to the library to pick up a book for Mama but that Nanaw had brought along the tablet for him to play with. When they got to the library, Chase said, "Nanaw, I have something to tell you." Then he told Nanaw that his teacher is pregnant. He said Sami told him. Nanaw called Mama to give her the news. At first, when they got to Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to draw pictures. He gave Nanaw a picture of a penguin he drew at school -- it was really cute. Then he changed his mind and wanted to play on the computer. Nanaw had to have Chase home by five (she was five minutes late, unfortunately) because he had baseball practice at 5:20. The coach was having 4 or 5 of the players come to the big park to practice pitching. Nanaw's deck is almost done; just one more railing to put up. Right now, there's cool caution tape.


Thursday, February 25, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

After Nanaw took Chase to school, she went to the car wash and  Waterloo Walmart. She meant to do the reconnaissance drive to the recycling place but turned left instead of right. So she decided she and Chase would do it after school and also go to the bank. And that's what they did. Chase got a sucker at the bank, and Nanaw gave him the other one she forgot to give him. They had fun with the four sentences. Chase wrote about where he got Tee Tee and how Tee Tee got his name, Tee Tee's family and Tee Tee's nicknames and the sounds he makes. Nanaw perhaps helped Chase too much with the sentences. Chase had a lot of homework to do with Mama on Thursday night. He did 20 minutes of AR, finished the packet he was supposed to do in class, and studied for the reading test. I feel so bad for the third graders. School just keeps getting harder and harder for them. Mama sent the first picture below of the "dog party" on Chase's bed. Uncle Mike came to visit Nanaw after she took Chase home, and Taylor and Sidney came to visit him. The deck people are coming along well -- the steps are installed and they put in a concrete pad at the bottom of them.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

On Wednesday morning when Chase was brushing his teeth, Nanaw noticed a funny thing about how he does it. Rather than moving the toothbrush in his mouth, he moves his head (and teeth) against the brush. Very cute and funny. When they got home from school, Chase wanted to play on Nanaw's tablet for awhile before doing his four sentences. So Nanaw said okay, she would go ahead and make spaghetti. So that's what they did. Chase wrote about the Sonic the Hedgehog computer games. Nanaw had to do a little coaching but the writing went well. When the spaghetti was done, Chase asked, "When are we going to eat that?" And Nanaw said, "Now, if you want some." So Chase had a bowl of spaghetti and said it was good. Nanaw took Chase home at 5 so he could play outside. He and Daddy roller bladed in the garage. Very cute. It turned out that Chase didn't bring his science book home to study for tomorrow's test. He brought the study guide but not the book. But Hunter's mom took pictures of the pages in the science book so Mama and Chase are going to study that on Daddy's iPad. It turned out that Brady's grandma made him go back inside to get his science book. Nanaw wished she'd realized she should do that.

uesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday was the first day in a long while that Nanaw took Chase to school -- it was very exciting for Nanaw. She really wants everything to get back to normal. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he didn't want to do the four sentences when they got home. Nanaw said okay but they would have to do eight sentences on Wednesday. Chase said okay. Chase told Nanaw that he got moved to the front row of the class, all the way to the side of the room. He said it was hard to see the board from his seat. Nanaw told Mama, and Mama said she'd email the teacher if Chase kept having trouble seeing the board. For awhile after they got home, Chase wanted to phone Nanaw using the iPod and the iPhone so that's what they did. Then they switched to testing, which involved a lot of emojis. It was grand fun. Then Chase played on the computer till it was time to go home. Nanaw took him home at 5 so he and Mama could do his homework before it was time to go to baseball practice. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021

Daddy had the day off today from work so he took Chase to school. Nanaw had an appointment with the cardiologist, and the news was good. He scheduled a breathing test for Nanaw on Friday -- she doesn't know what that's for but he said he wanted to create a baseline. Nanaw also got all of her appointments scheduled for next Wednesday. The people at St. Clare are so helpful and friendly. On her way home from the hospital, Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to pick up the guys -- Mama had packed the bag for them. For the first time in a long while, Nanaw picked Chase up from school and that was fun. Her friend Tanya said welcome back. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, they did Chase's writing of four sentences. He wasn't happy about doing it at first and even cried a little. But he decided to write about some of the games in the new book about 100 video games he got from the book order. For the first time,  Chase wrote the four sentences on his own, without Nanaw's help. Nanaw was very happy and proud. He did his 11es and did well. They read a story in the Answers book about whether the world will become too crowded.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday, February 21, 2021

On Saturday night, after his bath, Chase asked Nanaw what time they were getting up on Sunday morning. Nanaw said 8. So at 8 0'clock, Chase looks into Nanaw's face and says "It's 8. Time to get up." So they did. Chase had his favorite muffins for breakfast, along with chocolate milk and a cheese stick. Chase played with his tablet for awhile, while Nanaw was getting dressed. Then Nanaw had Chase dress himself, which actually went very well. Usually, it takes forever and Nanaw ends up helping him. Nanaw took Chase home about 9:30. Chase and Nanaw both said it was the best sleepover ever. Mama said they both say that after every sleepover. LOL Mama was very excited about all the things she and Daddy bought at the virtual auction. She got the Bud Light package with two Bud Light chairs, a Bud Light cooler and Bud Light seltzer. She also got a Purina pet treat basket that she sent a picture of to Nanaw. Daddy got a golf outing and a utility cart. Mama also got Chase a blue Yeti cup. In the afternoon Chase had baseball practice and then hockey practice in the evening. Mama also sent Nanaw a picture of Chase's 3rd grade class from the virtual auction. 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Nanaw got super lots of Chase time on Saturday. Mama brought Chase over Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase had a great time playing in the water with his Mario figures. He also played on the computer, on Nanaw's phone and on Nanaw's tablet. In the afternoon, Daddy and Chase built a really cool snowman, and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of the snowman. At 5, Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house for his sleepover. Mama and Daddy were going to participate in ICS's virtual auction (more about that tomorrow.) Nanaw was very excited about the sleepover. In the afternoon, Nanaw made pot roast for them in the pressure cooker. Chase ate lots of carrots and potatoes but just a little bit of pot roast. He also had a croissant and then his latest obsession: saltine crackers. After dinner, Chase did his AR reading in his Humphrey book. Then he played again on the computer, on Nanaw's phone and on Nanaw's tablet. Then Chase and Nanaw watched the Netflix movie Chase selected: Pets United. At one point in the movie, Chase said "Let's break out the cheese!" Very funny. So Nanaw got the Baby Bell cheese and Sargento cheese pieces that Mama bought for them. The movie was absolutely wonderful, and Nanaw wants to watch it again. Before bed, Chase read Wally Woof to Nanaw. Then Nanaw read the ending of the Humphrey book about magic to Chase. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021

Starting next week, Nanaw will once again take Chase to school, pick him up from school, and take him home from her house. Today, she went to Walgreen's, Waterloo Walmart and Waterloo Schnuck's for the first time in forever so she considers herself well now. At Walmart, she bought the things to make pot roast tomorrow for Chase's sleepover. She also looked at new TV sets and stands; her living room TV finally died after 20 + years so she has to get a new one. Today's after-school schoolwork at Nanaw's included four sentences about Chase's new Bowser, the 7es in multiplication facts, and three short stories in the Answers book. Nanaw discovered what she thinks might be the reason he doesn't always get his work done in class. He starts doing the work, then gets distracted and starts doing something else. So Nanaw is going to work on getting him to focus and concentrate on doing his work. Below is the paper Chase wrote about his dream vacation to Montreal for the Young Authors initiative:

Montreal – My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation is Montreal. Some background information is that the best time to visit Montreal is March to May and September to November. I want to go to Montreal because I want to go ice skating, eat at new places, and ride a roller coaster.

I want to go to Montreal because I want to go ice skating outdoors. There are over 200 outdoor skating rinks in Montreal. I like ice skating because I like to play ice hockey. Ice skating is popular in Montreal because the Montreal Canadiens, their hockey team, have won 24 Stanley Cups.

One of the things I want to eat in Montreal is poutine. Poutine is made out of French fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. I also want to eat bagels because Montreal is known for their bagels. I want to try Montreal’s pizza because pizza is one of my favorite foods.

I think riding roller coasters is fun. La Ronde amusement park is located in Montreal and has 10 roller coasters. I want to ride the Boomerang roller coaster because it is blue.

I would like to visit Montreal and try some things I listed above. I hope to go to this great city someday! 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Bowser was delivered last night, and the Pokemon cards arrived today. Chase is going to be so excited. The cleaning lady came today and cleaned up all the mess on the floor in the living room so Nanaw put down five towels to try to keep the mess down. Sidney decided that was a nice comfy bed for him so he lay there for quite a while. When Daddy brought Chase to Nanaw's house, Nanaw had plans for Chase. First, she wanted him to practice his writing. So from now on, he's going to write four sentences a day about something he's really interested in. He also did his 6es multiplication facts and read a story in the Answers books. He had so much fun playing with Bowser and the Pokemon cards. After their mini school session, Chase and Nanaw went into the computer lab. Chase played on Nanaw's tablet, and Nanaw got two Sonic apps for him. He played Angels We Have Heard on High on he keyboard, then played on the laptop. Nanaw is very excited about Chase's sleepover on Saturday night. They'll have lots of fun -- and pot roast for dinner! The first picture below is from Mama's Facebook memories, when Chase was three years old.