Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Daddy had the day off work on Wednesday so he took Chase to school. When Nanaw picked him up from school, she asked him if he had his Weekly Writing packet, and he said he did. He also said he had some reading homework. He played on the computer for a few minutes before starting his reading homework. After he finished his reading homework, he started working on his weekly writing. He chose the free-writing topic and decided to write about the Hindenburg. Last year in AR, he read a book about the Hindenburg so that's why he chose that topic. By the time he finished with his weekly writing, it was too late for him to do his AR reading so Nanaw told him he would have to do it at home tonight. When Chase and Nanaw got to Chase's house, Chase saw that Baby Shark was down, and Chase was very upset about that. He'd gotten very attached to Baby Shark. Daddy brought it in the house and found that the fan wasn't working correctly. So Mama might take it back to Telegraph Road Walmart and try to get another one on Friday. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Nanaw didn't look at Homework Central before she picked Chase up from school on Tuesday so she didn't realize that he should have brought his vocabulary study materials home; there's a quiz tomorrow. Fortunately, Cole's mom was able to email Nanaw pictures of the vocabulary pages. From now on, Nanaw will remember to check Homework Central and make sure Chase brings home what he's supposed to. Chase did his math homework; Nanaw checked it, and he got everything right. He did his AR reading; the first picture below is one that Chase took of Lars, Hank and Tee Tee before he started his AR reading. Chase and Nanaw went through the vocabulary words three times but Chase still didn't know them. So when Nanaw took Chase home, she asked Mama to go through them again a few times. Chase protested but Mama and Nanaw insisted. 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday, November 28, 2022

Daddy had the day off from work on Monday so he took Chase to school. Mama came over to Nanaw's house in the morning to help Nanaw take Charlie and Sidney to the vet. Charlie is too heavy for Nanaw to carry. It was a busy day for Nanaw. Later in the day, she had a dentist appointment. At four in the afternoon, Nanaw took the little rental car back to Enterprise because her car was ready at Dobb's. Chase was with them and while they were there, they got to see something really weird. The Enterprise lady told that a customer had let his dog completely destroy the interior of a rental car. It was unbelievable. The car was there on the Enterprise lot, and Nanaw took pictures three and four below of the destruction. Mama and Chase took Nanaw to Dobb's to get her car. Then Nanaw went to the vet to pick up Charlie and Sidney, Later, Mama came over to Nanaw's house to carry Charlie inside. In the evening, Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Lars the Lemur with a sock on his head. Chase had told Mama to keep an eye out for Lars while Chase was at hockey practice because sometimes Lars gets crazy when Chase is gone. Mama confessed that she was the one who put a sock on Lars' head, not Chase.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning, and Chase saw his friends Henry and Audrey. He says those were the only ones he could remember. For their Sunday adventure, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to the Kennedy ice skating rink. Daddy and Chase skated and Mama was their audience. Mama said Chase is really doing well skating, and he's really fast. Nanaw made turkey soup and took some over to Chase's house Sunday evening when she went over for a pot roast dinner. She also brought more turkey for the dogs and the wishbone for Chase and Mama. Chase won the pulling of the wishbone so he'll get his wish. The second two pictures are of the Baby Shark blow-up that Mama bought for Chase. He saw it at Waterloo Walmart but they didn't have any in stock. Mama found it online at the Fenton store so she went there yesterday to pick it up. The pot roast was delicious, and Mama sent some home with Nanaw. Chase and Nanaw played their disaster game on his bed with his stuffed animals. They had hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, tsunamis, blizzards, floods, thunderstorms, lightning, etc. It was grand fun. Then they played hockey in the hall, and Chase won 10-9, of course.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Nanaw went over to visit Chase on Saturday morning while Mama went to the grocery store. First, Nanaw did surgery on Lars; he had a hole in his back, and Mama had asked Nanaw to bring along a needle and thread to fix him. Then, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play hockey for a while. Next, they went upstairs and played hockey with Chase's stuffed animals on his bed. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase were planning to go over to Jackson's house to hang out. In the afternoon, Mama called Nanaw and invited her to go along with them to dinner with Jackson and his mom and dad and grandpa and grandma at a Mexican restaurant, Rio Grande, in Fairview Heights and then hang out at Jackson's house afterward. Of course, Nanaw said yes. It was a wonderful evening, and everyone had such a good time. The second picture below is a Tower of Margaritas at the Rio Grande, something that Jackson's grandma had always wanted to order.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday, November 25, 2022

On Friday, Mama, Chase and Nanaw had their annual day-after Thanksgiving-adventure. They went to the Transportation Museum to see the train display. When they first got there, the display wasn't in its usual place. So they asked their friend Lynn and she said it had moved up the hill to the large building where the cars were displayed. They also had displays in the main building and in the smaller building up the hill. The displays were all wonderful, with lots of new things added. Mama particularly liked the miniature Arby's on the main display. They saw Nanaw's friend Dave who told Nanaw she was just as beautiful as ever and that she never aged. That made Nanaw feel good. They visited the reindeer, Cupid and Blitzen, and took pictures. Back down at the main building, they bought popcorn, a pretzel and soda. Their next stop was Walmart to look at artificial Christmas trees. Waterloo didn't have the tree Nanaw wanted but Telegraph Road did so Nanaw said she would ask Uncle Mike to take her there when he came to put up the outdoor Christmas lights. After Waterloo Walmart, they went to Rural King, where they got free popcorn that was yummy. Nanaw bought a Christmas present for Uncle Mike and more chocolate-covered almonds. When Nanaw went home, Uncle Mike took her to Telegraph Road Walmart to buy the artificial Christmas tree. It's nine feet tall and has lights on it. Uncle Mike and  Aunt Becky did a wonderful job on the outside lights, as always.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday, November 24, 2022

Mama fixed crescent cherry croissants for Thanksgiving breakfast. She had wanted the cherry turnovers but Pillsbury doesn't make them anymore. At 12:30, on their way to Daddy's cousin Caroline's house, Mama, Daddy and Chase stopped at Nanaw's house to put the turkey in Nanaw's oven. Mama said Chase had a good time with Caroline's children at the Thanksgiving dinner. They played a game called Blurt where you blurt out words, and Mama said Chase seemed to be having fun playing it. Next, Mama, Daddy and Chase came to Nanaw's house for Thanksgiving dinner there. Chase ate turkey and mashed potatoes and a roll with butter. When it was time for dessert, Chase was to full to eat any but he had Mama take home a piece of the chocolate pudding pie for him to eat later. Cousin Joe brought his Occulus Virtual Reality Head Set over for Chase and Nanaw to play with. Nanaw put it on first and looked at a Star Wars battle. She thought it was totally awesome and unbelievable, much better than she had expected. At first, Chase wouldn't play with it because it didn't have a hockey game. But eventually, Nanaw talked him into to it, and he had a lot of fun playing the fishing game. It was interesting to watch him reeling in a fish.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Mama had the day off on Wednesday so she took Chase to school, and Nanaw got to sleep late. They both went to pick Chase up from school. He had early dismissal and got out at noon. Mama and Nanaw had Taco Bell for lunch but Chase didn't want anything. His class brought in the recipes they presented and shared their creations with each other. Chase said the class ate all of his chocolate pudding pie. He said he ate some of Brady's green bean casserole and Hunter's cookies. After lunch, they went to Handyman Hardware to see the Christmas decorations. They were beautiful, as usual, and Nanaw said they were the best ever. Mama said Nanaw says that about everything. Mama bought some Blues Christmas tree ornaments for Chase and a gnome ornament for Nanaw for Christmas. Nanaw bought some Cardinals ornaments for Chase to put on his Christmas tree. She's going to give them to him for his birthday so he'll have them on his tree for Christmas. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went over Auntie LaLa's. Little Will had hockey practice but he'd be home eventually, which made Chase very happy. He really likes spending time with Little Will. Nanaw did a reconnoitering trip to Jack in the Box on Tesson Ferry and got a box of tiny tacos for dinner. The idea is to maybe have lunch there on Friday. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

On Tuesday morning, Chase took the materials, ingredients, supplies, utensils, etc. to make the chocolate pudding pie to school with him. He was going to do his presentation about how to make the pie and then he would pretend to make it. On Tuesday evening, Chase would actually make the pie and take it to school on Wednesday morning. All the boys and girls were bringing in what they made and would share tastes with everybody. Chase will be stuffed when he leaves school at noon for early dismissal.  Mama has the day off tomorrow, and Mama and Nanaw are going to spend the afternoon with Chase. They might go to Taco Bell for lunch -- mmm Crunch Wrap Supreme. They might go to Handyman Hardware to see the Christmas decorations. When Chase and Nanaw got home from school, the cleaning lady still hadn't been there. She finally came a little after four, and Chase and Nanaw went downstairs. Nanaw finally packed the Halloween decorations away on the shelves while they were downstairs.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Monday, November 21, 2022

Nanaw went to the car rental place and the collision place this morning after taking Chase to school. It was very problematic at both places but everything eventually worked out all right. Nanaw is driving a little Toyota Corolla. The first thing Chase asked Nanaw when she picked him up from school was, "What color is the rental car?" Chase was fascinated with the car and with the backup camera and radio -- it was very cute to see. Back at Nanaw's house, Chase said he had Moby Dick homework. He did the Moby Dick homework and then did his AR reading. When it was time to go home, Chase put the things on the front seat of the Corolla on the back seat and got in to ride home in the front seat. The seat was pushed up toward the front so Nanaw told Chase about the bar under the front seat that would move the seat back. He moved the seat and thought that was fun. Then he started playing with the radio. It was really cute to see how fascinated he was with the rental car. In the evening, Mama and Nanaw went to Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky's house for lasagna. Daddy wasn't feeling well so he stayed home, and Chase stayed home to keep him company. Kris, Jerome, Irina, Nyeal, Nichole, and Jon Jon were there, too. They also had Caesar salad, cheese garlic bread, brownies and ice cream.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Today is Uncle Mike's 57th birthday, and Aunt Becky had a birthday breakfast for everybody. Mama and Nanaw went to the breakfast and surprised Uncle Mike, who didn't know that Mama and Nanaw were coming. There was lots of food, including scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, pancakes and most important, grilled cinnamon rolls. It was a feast. Chase and Daddy didn't come because they went to church. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase, Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky and Nanaw were going out to dinner for Uncle Mike's birthday. It was not an easy thing to do. Their usual place, Joe Boccardi's, changed their hours and were closed on Sunday instead of Monday. Their next choice had an indefinite wait for a table. Their next choice, Reifschneider's had a 30-minute wait. The next place, the new BBQ place in the Schnuck's shopping center, also had a 30-minute wait. So they decided on KFC in Waterloo. Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw drove to Waterloo. At KFC, there was a 20-minute wait for original chicken. So finally, they had dinner. Chase played with Nanaw's old phone in the car and was happy about that. He gave Nanaw a hug, on his own, which made Nanaw very happy.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase and Nanaw worked on his math homework, fixing his worksheet for a problem that he missed. They also redid the estimate problems; he hadn't written down the numbers he used for estimating. The little sweetheart thanked Nanaw for helping him with his homework. He's been very sweet and loving to Nanaw the past few days, which is wonderful. After the math homework, Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room and made pretend breakfast for some of the stuffed animals with Chase's kitchen. Then Chase got out some Legos and made hockey goal nets and hockey players with them. Next, Chase said he wanted to paint, and he got out his paints and set everything up on the kitchen counter. He made a palette with paint on a little white saucer and painted from that. Then he decided to use it for finger painting, and he had a great time finger painting. Mama came to pick Chase up at 10:30 but Chase asked if he could stay a while and keep on painting. Nanaw said she would take him home at 11 a.m. Mama was meeting Aunt Becca for a day together. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy said they were going to the ice skating rink at Kennedy park by Suson Park. Nanaw is sure they had a great time. The first picture below is Chase playing in his outside hockey game in Maryland Heights last night. Everyone was very cold.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday, November 18, 2022

Last week, Chase got a grade of 10 out of 100 on a math paper. The paper finally came home today, and it looks like he was having problems with estimating the math problems.  Nanaw will ask Mama to return the math paper, and she and Chase can work on estimating. Nanaw has to take Chase home by 4:15. He has a hockey game at 6:10 tonight. He's coming over to Nanaw's house at nine tomorrow morning while Mama goes to the grocery store. When Mama is done with that, she's going over to visit Aunt Becca. Uncle Stan has gone deer hunting. Sunday morning, Mama, Daddy, Nanaw and Chase are going to Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky's house for a birthday breakfast for Uncle Mike. The Sunday night, they're all going to Gianino's for Uncle Mike's birthday dinner. Monday night is a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Becky's for the kids who can't come to Nanaw's for Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday, November 17, 2022

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he wasn't sure he had the study materials for his vocabulary test on Friday. So they looked through his backpack at the pickup place and were happy to find the materials. Chase said he had science homework so he had that, studying for the vocabulary test and doing his AR reading. He played on Nanaw's old phone did the vocabulary worksheet. Nanaw quizzed him on the vocabulary, and he still didn't know a few of the words. for a while before starting his homework. He did the science first, then he read over the vocabulary materials and So Nanaw said they would do the list again at 5 p.m. For a few minutes, Chase, Lars, Tee Tee and Nanaw had fun drawing pictures on Chase's leftover index cards from the recipe assignment. At 5 p.m., Chase still didn’t do well with the vocabulary words so Nanaw gave him the words and he answered with the definition. Mama wasn't home tonight so Nanaw asked Daddy to go over the vocabulary again after they got home from baseball practice.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The first three pictures below are from the Eagles concert that Mama and Nanaw went to last night. It was awesome, and they had a great time. The next four pictures are of Chase and his friend Jackson at the Garden Glow at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. Chase and Daddy went and met up with Jackson and his mom and dad. The last two pictures are of Chase's sarcophagus, a gold-painted box with jewels and a picture on the outside, and a mummy, jewels and hieroglyphics inside. Mama, Daddy and Chase made a great team working on the sarcophagus. Mama took Chase to school on Wednesday morning so Nanaw could sleep in. Mama is so good to Nanaw. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had to do his weekly writing, do his AR reading, and finish writing the chocolate pudding pie recipe. He has a vocabulary test on Friday so that's what Chase and Nanaw will study after school tomorrow. He has hockey practice Thursday afternoon so Nanaw has to have him home by 4:15. Nanaw was going to take him to Dollar Tree to get candy and a birthday card for Uncle Mike, but she'll have to go by herself because they won't have enough time to study vocabulary and go to Dollar Tree. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Mama took Chase's glasses to Clarkson to get a new screw but it will take 10 business days for it to come in. So Chase wore his sports glasses in school today. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had homework in English and math. In English, he had to write paragraphs about veterans. Math was long division problems with a touch of algebra and equations. He also did his AR reading. On Tuesday evening, Chase and Daddy were going to the Missouri Botanical Gardens to see Garden Glow -- Christmas decorations and lots of lights. Nanaw went with them a few years ago, and it's an awesome display. But they'll be cold outside. Mama and Nanaw are going to the Enterprise Center for the Eagles Hotel California concert. It's going to be cold walking from the parking garage to there. But it will be fun.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Monday, November 14, 2022

Daddy had the day off work on Monday so he took Chase to school. As always, when Chase doesn't come to Nanaw's house in the morning, she missed him. They're forecasting snow again for tomorrow morning in Columbia so it will be interesting to see what happens. Nanaw thinks Chase would like to have a snow day -- kids always like snow days. In the afternoon, when Nanaw waited for Chase to come out of school, she asked Brady's and Andrew's grandmas if they had snow last Saturday morning. Anne said they had 6 inches, and Debby said they had 7 inches. Chase said he had history and English homework but that it wasn't a lot. He played games on Nanaw's old phone for a while, then did his homework, including his AR reading. Nanaw checked over his history worksheet, and had him change a couple of things. She also had him change a couple of things on the English recipe paper. Chase had hockey practice tonight, and Mama had the Parents and Friends meeting. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday, and Chase said he saw a couple of his friends there. They brought home pretzels and donuts that the eighth-graders were selling as a fundraising project for their class trip to Washington D.C. In the afternoon, Daddy and Chase were playing hockey downstairs, and Chase threw his hockey stick. Daddy told Chase he wouldn't play hockey anymore that day because Chase threw the hockey stick. But Chase didn't hear him say that or forgot that he did. Nanaw was a little late for dinner because she had to go back to AT&T and check on what her actual bill for the new phone is going to be. Mama fixed chicken wings for dinner, along with crispy tater tots. Chase wanted to play hockey with Mama and Daddy after dinner but Daddy reminded him about throwing the hockey stick and that Daddy wasn't going to play hockey anymore that day. Chase, of course, got mad and went to his room and buried himself in his bed. He didn't want to have anything to do with Nanaw so Nanaw went home after talking to Mama about Chase's sarcophagus project that's due next Thursday.