Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year's! Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Chase played hockey twice on New Year's Day with Daddy. Daddy had to go to the floor store, and while he was gone, Mama and Chase played the hockey game that works like the foosball game. Chase and Daddy played lacrosse outside, and Daddy said Chase seemed to have fun with it. In the evening Nanaw came over to visit. She brought along the Crayon Factory so they could try it out. Unfortunately, it did not go well. Nanaw managed to make a black and white dog from the mold for Mama. But it fell apart when Nanaw took it out of the mold so they threw it away. Next, Nanaw tried to make a blue car for Chase using the car mold. But the blue crayon evidently got stuck, and nothing happened. So Nanaw gave up and tried to call the Crayola Factory help line but they were closed so Nanaw has to call back on Thursday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Chase went into the living room and sat on the loveseat with his Jack blanket, Tee Tee and one of the big Jacks. He didn't seem to be feeling well. At his request, Mama gave him some Goldfish and ice water.

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