Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Mama, Daddy, Grandma Pat and Chase went to Walgreen's in Belleville on Saturday morning to be tested for Covid. They stayed in the car and did nose swabs. Chase was scared about it, and Mama said he was shaking and crying. She had difficulty doing the nose swab on him but eventually it worked. An hour an a half later, Mama got emails saying they were all negative. Yay! Daddy says they're going to quarantine until next Saturday. That means that instead of going back to in-person school on Monday, Chase will come to Nanaw's house to do school on Zoom. The one time that he did that earlier in the school year went well so Nanaw is hopeful that this will work out well also. Chase and Nanaw played with his massive collection of Hot Wheels and other small cars on the dining room table. They had races and other contests. Next, Chase wanted to pay in the water at the kitchen with the Mario figures again. (He'd brought them with him again; this time, they stayed at Nanaw's -- no sleepover.) After the water play, Chase and Nanaw went to the computer lab to play on the computers. Chase was playing a Mario game on Roblox -- of course, he was combining his two obsessions. Mama came to pick up Chase at four. She told Nanaw that InstaCart had postponed her order again, another whole day, to 5 p.m. Sunday. So she was going to order some stuff  she needed right away from Walmart and go pick it up. Mama emailed Chase's teacher and the school secretary bout Chase Zooming next week. He's be in quarantine until Saturday, January 9. Mama can pick up his books any time after 8 on Monday.

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