Monday, August 5, 2019

Monday, August 5, 2019

Only eight more days with Chase until he goes back to school -- second grade! Can you believe it? So Nanaw made a list of things to do for the next eight weekdays. On Monday's list was the Science Center. Chase said they had to go early so they could get a nearby parking spot and not have to park out on the street. He also said he wanted to leave if it was too crowded -- which it wasn't so they got to stay. They visited the water area, the chickens, the agricultural building, the Mars Rover, the planets, the Mars launch room and the garden with all the tree stumps. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went to the bank where Chase got his regular green sucker. Then they went to the little library park so Chase could do his Ninja Warrior routine. He wanted Nanaw to time him so she opened the timer on her watch and timed it -- it was great fun.

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