Saturday, August 10, 2019

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, and they did four pages in the Barnes and Noble workbook. They put stickers on all the pages that Chase has done. Nanaw took the flashcard pages out of the workbook and plans to cut them apart. Chase did a good job on the pages but Nanaw wishes that he liked doing them more. Nanaw has a plan for the school year for Chase. When he brings papers home from school each day, Nanaw will have him go through them again. Nanaw will also go through the papers from the end of last year and see if there would be any good ones for Chase to do. In the afternoon, Mama sent Nanaw a photo of Chase snuggling up in a blanket with stuffed animals while he waited for Mama and Daddy to clean off and set up the Fisher Price village, McDonalds, Fisher Price house, etc. Then Mama sent a picture to Nanaw of Chase and Daddy playing out in the back yard with curly fireworks snakes. At first, Nanaw thought they were playing with real snakes but then Mama set her straight. Mama also sent a picture of the Jacks, one with a Jack shirt and one with the dog scarf that Nanaw put on him.

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