Saturday, February 20, 2021

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Nanaw got super lots of Chase time on Saturday. Mama brought Chase over Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase had a great time playing in the water with his Mario figures. He also played on the computer, on Nanaw's phone and on Nanaw's tablet. In the afternoon, Daddy and Chase built a really cool snowman, and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of the snowman. At 5, Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house for his sleepover. Mama and Daddy were going to participate in ICS's virtual auction (more about that tomorrow.) Nanaw was very excited about the sleepover. In the afternoon, Nanaw made pot roast for them in the pressure cooker. Chase ate lots of carrots and potatoes but just a little bit of pot roast. He also had a croissant and then his latest obsession: saltine crackers. After dinner, Chase did his AR reading in his Humphrey book. Then he played again on the computer, on Nanaw's phone and on Nanaw's tablet. Then Chase and Nanaw watched the Netflix movie Chase selected: Pets United. At one point in the movie, Chase said "Let's break out the cheese!" Very funny. So Nanaw got the Baby Bell cheese and Sargento cheese pieces that Mama bought for them. The movie was absolutely wonderful, and Nanaw wants to watch it again. Before bed, Chase read Wally Woof to Nanaw. Then Nanaw read the ending of the Humphrey book about magic to Chase. 

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