Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Chase had a snow day on Wednesday! Mama had Nanaw sleep in and didn’t bring Chase over to Nanaw's house till about 9. Right away, Chase set up the hockey nets in the hall, and Chase and Nanaw played hockey for a while. Then Chase played on the computer. At noon, they played restaurant with the guys and with Chase's play food and pizza he brought from home. It was grand fun. They had credit cards for the guys and menus and bills. Chase and Nanaw love playing restaurant. For lunch, Chase had chicken nuggets TV dinner. In the afternoon, they played hockey again. They set up pillows to keep the hockey ball from falling downstairs or into the living room. For a while, Chase practiced hitting the hockey ball by himself. Chase brought his boots and snow pants with him but decided not to go out and play in the snow because most of it had melted. He also brought his tablet and headphones with him and played on the tablet for a while. At 2 p.m., Chase and Nanaw had school. Nanaw tried to help Chase with his Weekly Writing but it didn't go as well as Nanaw hoped it would, The idea was that Nanaw would help Chase think through what he wanted to write and make notes about it so then Chase could write it. Nanaw thought that's what Mama does with Chase but Chase didn't participate much. Chase said he wanted to do it with Mama so Nanaw had Mama help Chase with his writing in the evening. Nanaw forgot to ask Mama how it went so she'll ask her tomorrow.

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