Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday, September 15, 2023

When it was time to pick Chase up from school, Mama told Nanaw that he got 100 on today's DLR test (Yay!) and he got a 94 on Wednesday's math test. Nanaw was excited about Chase's sleepover Friday night. She and Chase were going out to the little house. After school, Nanaw packed up everything, and they went over to Chase's house to pick up Creeper. Mama and Daddy were going to Songs for Soldiers on Friday night; that's why Chase was having a sleepover with Nanaw at the little house. On the way there, Nanaw stopped at Walmart and bought Chase some yummy soft rolls for dinner. Chase had five cheese ziti with his rolls and a generous serving of cookies and cream ice cream. When they got to the little house, Chase offered to help bring all their things inside. Nanaw was so impressed that he had offered to help. He used the wagon and seemed to have fun with it. Chase announced to Nanaw that usually on Friday nights he took a break from homework. Clever little fellow. Nanaw said okay, he could have his break, and they would do homework tomorrow morning. Before dinner, Chase played outside with the two Frisbees he brought along with him. He had a grand time and sailed them up and down the driveway and into the woods. He told Nanaw about how at school they play with Frisbees on the playground. In the evening, Chase played on his phone even though the internet is intermittent at the little house. He had tried to play Roblox with his friend Hunter on the laptop but he couldn't get it to work. They watched the Madagascar movie again, and this time they really watched it and finally got to see all the lemurs in the movie. Cousin Lindsey sent the last picture below of her and her dad, Uncle Mike. She took him to a Cardinals game -- a father-and-daughter adventure! Nanaw thought that was so sweet.

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