Sunday, September 3, 2023

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Today was Mama, Daddy and Chase's annual pre-Labor Day party. Nanaw came to the party around 1 p.m. with her ambrosia salad, in honor of Grandma Pat who always used to make it for the party. Chase and Nanaw played in his room with his Minecraft figures until Chase's cousin Elias got there. Chase had been watching for him because he was eagerly anticipating playing with Elias. They spent all of the party (except for a brief time to eat) downstairs playing on the Xbox. It was a great party, as usual. Nanaw was especially happy to see Kris and Lindsey, Nanaw's wonderful granddaughters and Chase's cousins. Cousin Lindsey brought her "lovely man," Dylan. Nanaw interviewed Dylan and found out where he works, where he went to high school, where he lives now, and how he and Lindsey met. He is definitely a "lovely man," and Nanaw likes him a lot. Uncle Mike was also there with cousin Natalie and her friend Noah. During the party, Lindsey called cousin Mike in California so they could talk to him and find out about his job. It turned out that he was changing jobs and was going to be the manager of the bar in Oceanside, California where he's now a bar-back. He sounded excited about the new job, and they all congratulated him and wished him good luck. He says he's going to get a cat!! Lindsey is moving into her first apartment ever around September 12, and Uncle Mike is going to help her move. Cousin Kris is excited about starting to work at home, especially because she'll be able to spend more time with her beautiful black kitty. 

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