Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2026

When Nanaw came to visit Chase on Saturday afternoon, she asked Chase if she could interview him about hockey practice and the sleepover at Hunter's house. He said Yep! Then he told Nanaw about what they did Friday night at Hunter's sleepover. He said he had to leave early Saturday morning because he had power skating again at hockey practice. When Nanaw got to his house on Saturday afternoon after getting home from the little house, Chase was watching the USA women's volleyball team playing the Canadian women's volleyball team play. The USA team won. Nanaw didn't stay very long because Chase, Daddy and Mama were going to Jackson's house. Jackson and Chase were supposed to go swimming but there was rain so they didn't go. Mama said they played Wiffle ball. Mama also said that Aunt Jen gave her some mouth tape to try with her CPAP. She also loaned Mama two books. Mama said she'd tell Nanaw what books tomorrow. She said Aunt Jen has a hose holder that she recommended to Mama. She also told Nanaw that Uncle Mike is at the Cardinals' game. There was a huge rain delay. The second photo below is one that Nanaw took to send to Chase.

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