Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chase and Nanaw had breakfast and then went for an early morning walk before going to Clayton Laptime. Chase was particularly good at Laptime today, smiling all the while at Miss Jeannie and seeming to enjoy the stories and the songs. He wore his new Duck, Duck, Penguin tee-shirt that Mama bought for him at the zoo on Wednesday. After his nap, Chase and Nanaw went to Waterloo Walmart to buy the set of faux Lincoln Logs that Mama and Nanaw saw there on Wednesday. But unfortunately, the logs are very small and are intended for children three and older so Chase and Nanaw will have to wait about a year and a half before they can build log cabins with the Lincoln Logs. When Chase got home from Nanaw’s, Daddy and Mama had a great surprise waiting for him: Daddy had inflated his little swimming pool, and it was waiting for him in the back yard. Chase had a grand time splashing his arms in the pool and getting his duck tee-shirt all wet. The water was still too cold for Chase to get in the pool but Mama says he can get in it tomorrow before they go to Uncle Mike’s and Aunt Becky’s house for Natalie’s 16th birthday party. Chase will get to go swimming in Uncle Mike’s pool, and he’ll certainly enjoy that.

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