Saturday, January 8, 2022

Saturday, January 8, 2022

On Saturday morning, Mama took Chase to pick up his new glasses. She said he really likes them -- of course, because they're blue. She told him he didn't have to wear them all  the time -- just when he had to see something in the distance like the board in the schoolroom, because he's nearsighted. Chase had baseball practice at 10 on Saturday morning so Nanaw didn't to see him. She'll see him tonight at Mama's birthday party. Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky, Jackson and his family will be there. Aunt Becca has Covid so she and Uncle Stan won't be able to come. Chase is looking forward to seeing his best friend Jackson and to doing the "dig" with him -- that's an archaeological toy Aunt Jen got him for Christmas. Nanaw is going to take the chess game along but keep it in the car in case Jackson knows how to play. The boys spent most of the evening in Mama's office playing video games. Nanaw stayed in there with  them mostly. They were so cute -- Nanaw had a great time just listening to their conversations. For awhile, Chase, Jackson and Nanaw played with an app called the Akinator. It's sort of like 20 questions and  it was lots of fun. Dinner came from pizza hut, and Mama ordered five pizzas so there was a lot leftover. They never did play chess. 

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