Friday, July 28, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

On their morning walk, Chase took along Tee Tee, as shown in the first picture. Chase and Nanaw didn't see the kitty, and the book is still in the library book box. Later in the morning, they took Chase's remote control car outside to the driveway and played with it. They had a lot of fun zooming everywhere. Nanaw suggested that they take the car on their Monday morning walk, and Chase agreed that would be fun. Chase, Mama and Daddy were going to the demolition derby on Friday evening at the Monroe County Fair with Brady's family and Hunter's family. So Chase and Nanaw played demolition derby. Nanaw got out the baseball field from Chase's baseball players' set and spread it out on the living room floor. Then she put cars around it, added some fans, and brought in the fire truck and police car. Chase had a great time crashing the cars into each other. Mama said Chase had a lot of fun at the demolition derby and county fair, despite the heat. Chase, Brady and two of their friends, Sean and Ethan, walked around together, playing games. Chase won two rubber bananas at the duck pond, He told Nanaw that his lemur Lars was excited to get the bananas, his favorite food. 

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