Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mama and Daddy were off work today for Good Friday but Chase still had his adventure at Clayton Laptime. However, the adventure didn't go as well as it used to. chase and Nanaw got there a little early (for a change -- they usually arrive shortly after Laptime has begun). Miss Jeannie was blowing bubbles for the early arrivals, and Chase wanted to join them and certainly didn't want to sit on Nanaw's lap. When Laptime began, Chase still wanted to run around the room and Nanaw had to let him run loose or he would cry and fuss. He was very cute and social as he roamed around the room and behaved himself fairly well. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they went on another adventure, this one with Mama. First they tried to have lunch at McDonald's on Telegraph Road but there were no high chairs in evidence. So they went to the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut across the street and had cheese pizza. Then they went shopping at Kohl's where Mama bought Chase a blue checked shirt for Easter. Next they stopped at Payless and bought a pair of brown dress shoes for Chase to also wear on Easter. (Editor's note on Easter: Mama says Chase refused to wear the shoes to church.) When they got home from the shopping adventure, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Sam went for a walk. After the walk, Chase fell fast asleep in his crib, legs high in the air.


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