Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

On Tuesday morning, while Chase was doing his schoolwork, Nanaw noticed a chunk of hair missing from the front of Chase's hair.  Nanaw took a picture and sent it to Mama. They were trying to figure out when he cut his hair. Chase said it was around the first of April. But none of us noticed. Nanaw assumes he did at her house in the computer lab. She found the scissors by the computer a few days ago, so that must have when Chase cut his hair. His Mama and Daddy were very good to him and told him he wasn't in trouble but he shouldn’t cut his hair again. Chase decided the cast should come off Berry, Chase's stuffed peacock, today. Berry broke her leg over the weekend during restaurant training, and Chase and Nanaw put a cast on her leg. One of Chase's math problems involved measuring the driveway so Chase and Nanaw went outside to do that. Chase loves the measuring tape, especially when it automatically rewinds itself. Nanaw sent Mama a picture of the bag of pretzels Chase likes so she could get some more for him at the grocery store. Chase had his favorite for lunch today: toasted ravioli. He played Subway training on the computer today; it's so cute, and he said he would train Nanaw tomorrow. Nanaw ordered $20 worth of Robux for Chase for Easter. She'll ask Mama and Daddy if Chase can use them at her house; Mama got him some for their house for Easter. Nanaw bought Easter candy to hide in plastic eggs for Chase. It will be a small Easter dinner this year -- just the four of us. Daddy gave Chase a haircut so now he has the really short hair -- a buzz cut -- that Nanaw loves. Mama's Alexa arrived today, and she's very happy about it. She says she loves her Alexa.

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