Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020

School was a bit fragmented on Thursday because the cleaning lady was coming at 11, and Nanaw had to put lots of things away. But Chase managed quite well on his own. He did his morning work and then his Spring Prep, which was about using conjunctions to join two sentences. He was really good at it. He did some work on the centimeter and meter measuring but there will be several more pages of math tomorrow. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs at 11 when the cleaning lady came. Chase did some subtraction problems and then some workbook pages. When Nanaw took Chase home, he suggested that they do away with bad marks for Chase, Nanaw and Tee Tee. Nanaw thought that was a great idea and agreed that they would do away with all bad marks. In the evening, Mama and Chase worked on his Lego Challenge project. He made a special racing car. Mama sent Nanaw a picture with Chase and the car. Jack Skellington is driving and Carp and Shatty are in the back. That means Chris Carpenter, the Cardinals' pitcher, and the Blues Player, Kevin Shattenkirk.

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