Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday, February 9. 2023

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Thursday afternoon, she asked him if he had brought home the study materials for his history test on Monday and the vocabulary packet he was supposed to turn in Monday, and he said he had. He had done all the other assignments listed on Homework Central. On the way home, they had a conversation about Chase's grades and studying. Chase said maybe fifth grade was getting harder and harder. Nanaw said maybe those two really low test grades he got were just anomalies and the low grades wouldn't occur again. Nanaw said they would just keep studying as much as they could. They worked on the vocabulary packet he has to turn in Monday. Nanaw made a copy of it in case he forgot to bring it home when it came time for a test. Then they studied the materials for his history test, which he'll have to take on Monday. It was about China and was very interesting. He was very happy to have Skinny Pop popcorn for a snack. Nanaw asked if he was excited about his trip to Chicago for a hockey tournament in an outdoor rink. He said yes. Mama is bringing the dogs over to Nanaw's tomorrow morning. Nanaw asked if she could bring Chase so she could say good-bye, and Mama said she was planning to. Nanaw forgot to take a picture of Chase today so Mama took a picture of him asleep.

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