Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday, April 17, 2023

Chase stayed home from school on Monday because he still had an upset stomach and threw up a couple of times before school time. Mama texted his teacher to tell her about Chase and to ask her to  put his homework in the black box outside the front door of school. Nanaw had a doctor's appointment in the morning so she took Chase to his house and then picked him up after her appointment. On the way back to Nanaw's house, they stopped at school to pick up his homework. Chase discovered that his math book wasn't there for the math homework so he asked Mama to text the teacher about it. Nanaw made another trip to school to pick up the math book. In addition to math, Chase had homework in history, reading, English and science. It was a lot of work. His science teacher said he could wait on the science fair packet till Tuesday because the first assignment wasn't due until Wednesday. The rules for the science fair are very strict and stringent. They have to bring their green science fair folder to class every day; if they don't, it takes away 50% of their grade for that day. Any time they're late with an assignment, it takes away 50% of their grade for that assignment. Chase got all of his homework done but threw up again so he couldn’t go to baseball practice.

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