Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday was the day of Adventures with Mama. First, Chase and Mama went to the eye doctor for Chase to learn how to put in his new contacts. Unfortunately, it didn't work out well, and Chase couldn't do it. Over the weekend, he's supposed to practice putting his finger on his eye. Then on Monday, they'll go back to the eye doctor and practice again. After the eye doctor, they went to all kinds of places. They were supposed to go to Chase's pediatrician's office to get a form about his vaccinations for school but Mama forgot so she'll have to do it some other time. They went to the Cliff Cave Library for Mama to get books and to the bank for Mama to get money. Then, they went to Target to shop for Chase's school supplies, which Nanaw really enjoyed. Nanaw made contributions to the supplies: a roll of paper towels, a container of wipes, and 200 note cards. Chase's aunt Kate had sent a huge bag full of school supplies from where she works -- glue sticks, pens, markers, dry-erase markers, glue, erasers and lots more. So Mama didn't have to buy so much -- a binder, a calculator, Scotch tape, spiral notebooks, an accordion folder, and loose-leaf paper. After Target, they stopped at Chick Fil A to get chicken nuggets for Chase. Finally, they went to Wally's on Highway 44. Mama got popcorn, pizza and a cookie for lunch and a Sloosh drink for Chase. Wally's is where Hank the lemur came from so Nanaw bought a lemur pillow named Linus All in all, it was a very busy day. On Friday night, Columbia had major destructive thunderstorms with incredible winds. Mama and Uncle Mike called them microbursts. Chase's house and Nanaw's house were without power; Nanaw's came back on at midnight on Saturday but Chase's was still out on Sunday. Nanaw's huge tree in her backyard cracked (photo 2) and a branch ended up on the roof (photo 3). She called the tree guy but he couldn't work on it till Monday morning when he would have enough workers to avoid danger. At Chase's house, a neighbor's tree crashed into their fence and damaged the fence badly. A huge tree across from Chase's house was unbelievably uprooted. (photos 4 and 5)

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