Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chase and Nanaw took their walk first thing on Wednesday morning, before breakfast. Happily for Nanaw, Chase let her take a picture of him by his bush. Sometimes he won't let her. The bush is the one he always used to grab when he was little and Nanaw took him for a walk in his stroller. The air was smoky from the Canadian wildfires. They saw some hazy smoke in the air on part of their walk. They walked by the lake, and Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to go fishing sometime. Nanaw has to learn how to put bait and flies on the hooks because Chase doesn't know how to do it yet. Daddy always does it for him. School went well today, and it was fun for Nanaw. For writing in his journal, he wrote about his baseball team this season, what a good team they were (they finished third in the league), how much fun he had with his teammates, and how he's looking forward to playing again with them in Fall Ball. He does really well on the English pages and he's learning decimals and fractions well. Yesterday, they started reading their next summer book: The One and Only Bob. Nanaw still isn't sure how Chase feels about summer school with Nanaw. He seems to enjoy it but then he's always happy when they take a break from school. Like they're going to do on Friday with Mama. They're going to go to all kinds of places. First, Chase is going to the eye doctor to learn how to use his contacts and then he'll take the contacts home. Next, they have to go to Chase's pediatrician's office to get a form about his vaccinations for school. Then, they're going to Target to shop for Chase's school supplies, which Nanaw will really enjoy. Then, they're going to the Cliff Cave Library and finally to Wally's on Highway 44. All in all, it will be a very busy day. 


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