Monday, February 25, 2019

Monday, February 25, 2019

When Nanaw went to pick Chase up on Monday morning, he was in a really good mood, which made Nanaw happy. At school, Nanaw looked in the lost and found for Chase's black mitten but didn't find it. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the cemetery and then to the library to pick up a book for Mama and the movie "A Star Is Born." Chase got Cheese-Its from the vending machine, one of his favorite treats. When they got home, Chase played Roblox on the laptop. He also showed Nanaw all his Pokemon cards and told her which one was his favorite: one called Onix, whose number is 120. Nanaw doesn't understand at all so she'll have to have Chase explain Pokemon and Pokemon cards. In the evening, Mama told Nanaw that she and Chase looked online for dogs at the Humane Society but didn't find the perfect dog. Nanaw looked at the APA site and told Mama they have nine small dogs and nine medium dogs. So Mama said she would look at the APA site.

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