Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday morning, before school, Chase and Nanaw were talking and he said he would miss school. Then he said, "But I'll have fun with you in the summer." Of course, that brought tears to Nanaw's eyes. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she looked in his backpack for his spelling test but he still hasn't brought it home, and he says he doesn't know what he got. And still no flier for Camp Invention in Waterloo. Mama is probably not going to send Chase. She says it costs $250 or $300 and he's already going to Magic House camp. And besides, according to Mama, Chase and Nanaw will be doing lots of STEM things this summer. After school, when Chase said he was hungry, I asked him if he wanted a cheese rollup. He wouldn't eat the one Nanaw made last week, so she had Mama get the correct ingredients this weekend. She called Mama for directions, and when Chase saw the cheese rollup, he looked inside at the cheese and said, "That's what I'm talking about." Then when he tasted it, he said, "That's good." He had a total of three cheese rollups, a package of Thomas Treats, mint chocolate chip ice cream and a glass of milk -- so he certainly had enough to eat. He had his first baseball game tonight. He got a couple of good hits and got a player out at first base. He also got to be the catcher, wearing all the paraphernalia, for one inning. Mama got some good pictures of him and also a selfie of her and Emma.

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