Friday, July 5, 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019

Chase and Nanaw had big plans for Friday. They were going to the Columbia Bottom Conservation Area to see the confluence in the flood. Then they were going to the Florissant library to do the Where's Waldo screens. Unfortunately, things did not turn out as well as they hoped. The Columbia area was closed because of the flooding. Everything was underwater, and the roads were all blocked. So Chase and Nanaw will go back again sometime when the flood waters have receded. At the library, there were lots of other children at the TV screens. So Chase and Nanaw waited around, doing other things. When a screen finally became available, Chase and Nanaw began playing the Where's Waldo? Game. Then a little boy came over and sat on the stool where Chase was sitting and knocked him on the floor. Nanaw told the little boy that Chase was sitting there first and playing the game. The little boy kept sitting on the stool and playing the Waldo game, no matter what Nanaw said. Finally, Chase stood up and said he wanted to go home. So they did. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Ronnie's to see Toy Story 4. The first picture below is of the Gulf of Mexico, sent by Uncle Mike who's on vacation in Biloxi, Mississippi. Unfortunately, there's and algae in the ocean and they can't get in the water. The second picture shows the flooded Columbia Bottoms Conservation area.

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