Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Chase and Nanaw's adventure on Tuesday was a visit to the Telegraph Road library to collect their prizes for finishing the summer reading program. Chase was especially excited about one of his prizes: a foamy water squirter, plus tickets to the Magic House. Nanaw was excited about her prize also: a charger for her idevices. Nanaw is going to find the library sign and put it in her front yard celebrating Chase's achievement. The library had a new scavenger hunt for the month of July, so Chase and Nanaw did the hunt -- Chase got something from the "bending" machine. When he gets the sign from the Columbia library, Chase will have it in his yard at home. Funny Chase story of the day: Nanaw made a cheese roll-up for Chase but microwaved it for 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds. Chase called out to Nanaw, saying "I see cheese. You didn't cook it long enough." So Nanaw put it in the microwave for another 20 seconds. This time, Chase called out, "Better!" In the afternoon, Chase played in the water in the front yard, and Nanaw watered the plants. Chase and Nanaw also had school in the afternoon. Uncle Mike was supposed to come to cut the grass but he got involved with fixing the Toyota so he's coming tomorrow morning. Tonight was supposed to be Chase's last baseball game of the season, but it was cancelled because the other team didn't have enough players. They may reschedule it for next week. The last picture is one of Chase I took trying to capture the funny little smile he does sometimes -- it looks exactly like how cousin Joey used to smile but try to hide it.

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