Monday, July 29, 2019

Monday, July 29, 2019

Chase and Nanaw left early for a Monday adventure at the Science Center, even though it was pouring down rain. When they got there, the parking lot was full so they parked on the street. Unfortunately, when Chase got out of the car, he slipped on the wet grass and badly scraped his knee. He was crying and said he wanted to go home so they did. When they got home, Nanaw put antibiotic cream on what he called his "booboo" and bandaged it. Chase was very good and very brave. Chase played with his laptop, which made him feel a lot better. Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's house to bring in Amazon packages for Mama. Later, they went to the cemetery and to pick up a movie and book on tape at the library. Chase didn't want anything from the "bending" machine at the library. Mama was having dinner with Aunt Becca and Daddy was going to pick up Chase on his way home from work.

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