Thursday, February 3, 2022

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Once again, Chase settled into his school work all on his own. He worked on the religion assignment, the reading/English questions, and the math two-digit multiplication problems. When all of his school work was done, he went outside to play. He played hockey again and seemed to have a wonderful time. When he came in, he told Nanaw that his shirt was frozen. He asked Nanaw if they could have snow ice cream the next time he went outside, and she said yes. He had lunch and played with his tablet, while watching PBS Kids. Mama said Daddy would be over sometime after five to clean off Nanaw's driveway and pick up Chase. She wasn't going to come along; she was going to stay home to make chicken noodle soup for dinner and to work. Uncle Mike and Mama and Nanaw were texting about the snow, and Uncle Mike said they were running out of places to put the snow they were plowing at UMSL. Mama thinks we may have gotten as much as seven inches of snow. After lunch, Chase went outside again to play in the snow. When he came in, he brought in a container of snow. Nanaw used the snow to make snow ice cream; she added chocolate syrup to make chocolate snow ice cream. Later, Nanaw built a fire and Chase came to the living room to lay on the sofa and play with the tablet. Daddy used the snow blower to clean off Nanaw's driveway and then shoveled the sidewalk and put down salt. Nanaw was very grateful. Chase has another day off tomorrow, and this one is an actual snow day, which he is very excited about. In the evening, Mama texted looking for Tee Tee, Pepper and Sidney the Penguin. Nanaw told her they'd gotten buried in the playpen. The last picture is the three stuffed animals ready for their sleepover, accompanied by Charlie the cat.

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