Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Nanaw's car wouldn't start on Tuesday morning so she couldn't take Chase to school. She had left the key in the ignition overnight, and it drained the battery. Nanaw called Mama and Mama took Chase to school. Nanaw called AAA  and the guy who came couldn’t jump the car. He said Nanaw should call AAA for a tow to a garage to get it fixed. He said it might be the alternator. Nanaw called AAA for a tow and called Dobb's to tell them she was having her car towed there. When the tow guy got there, he tried the jumper cables again and he got the car started. He said the other guy’s power pack must not have been charged. It was a miracle, and Nanaw was very happy. She called Dobb's to tell them her car wasn't being towed there. Chase was excited and happy that Nanaw was able to come pick him up. At Nanaw’s house, Chase did his AR reading and studied his spelling words. Then Nanaw said he should do his math homework and that didn’t go well. Finally, Nanaw said he would have to do his math with Mama or Daddy. On her way to her hair appointment, Mama stopped by Nanaw's house with Chase’s bat and glove, and she took the guys, his clothes bags, his backpack and his Chromebook. Mama said that math went well with no fussing. Chase doesn’t have school tomorrow because of the impending storm. He brought home a packet of schoolwork that he’ll do at Nanaw’s house tomorrow. Nanaw asked Mama to take a picture of Chase for Days because he wouldn’t smile when Nanaw tried to take a picture.

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