Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Chase had a rather hard day on Tuesday, at least for part of it. Nanaw took him to see Dr. Charles for a follow-up visit about his ear condition. This time, his right ear passed the hearing test but his left ear didn't. The nurse Lisa said she thought she saw quite a bit of wax in his right ear, and Dr. Charles confirmed that. Dr. Charles said that because of the wax he was unable to see into Chase's eardrum to check if there is any fluid in his ear. Dr. Charles said he would have Lisa try to flush the wax out. She put some numbing medicine and some ear wax softening medicine in his ear. Then she brought in a machine with a tub of water and a wand that she used to try to flush out the wax. She put a diaper around Chase's neck and had Nanaw hold his head still. She tried several times but was unable to flush out the wax. So Dr. Charles wrote instructions for Mama to use some earwax softening medicine called Debrox every night on Chase's left ear for one or two weeks. Then Chase should go in for another follow-up check-up. Everyone was hoping for good news at this check-up but it didn't happen yet. One of the few good things for Chase on Tuesday was that he got to see Uncle Mike when Uncle Mike came to cut Nanaw's grass.

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