Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020

It was very sad taking Chase to school on Monday morning. Chase was very sad that he wouldn't be going to school for at least the next two weeks. All the Illinois schools are closed till March 31. Chase loves school, loves his teacher and loves his friends. Nanaw is happy for the bonus Chase time but sorry that the little fellow is so sad. Chase brought home lots of work from school: his handwriting book, his reading book, the religion book, and a science book. He also brought home two weeks worth of spelling words. Nanaw spread everything out on the dining room table (that's the first picture below). Nanaw got an email saying that the county library was closing tonight until April 3. So Mama, Chase and Nanaw made an emergency trip to the library for books for Mama and audio books for Nanaw. Nanaw went shopping after Mama and Chase went home and bought a big bag of mini pretzels for Chase to snack on at "Nanaw School."

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