Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

At-home-school got a little disrupted on Wednesday. The mother of one of Chase's classmates was putting together a visual message for the teacher. Each student would hold a sign with their designated food. Chase's word was "much." Nanaw helped Chase draw the word. Then he used markers to color the sign. Nanaw took a picture of Chase working on the sign; a picture of him holding the sign in his pajamas; and a picture of him holding the sign after he was dressed. Nanaw sent the pictures to Mama and she passed them along. Next, Chase wrote a letter to his teacher. He typed it on the computer, and then wrote it out by hand. He was going to try to do it in cursive but he hasn't had much practice on capital cursive letters so he printed the letter. Once the letter was done and in an envelope, Chase and Nanaw drove to the post office to mail the letter. They spent so much time on the sign and the letter, that they didn't get all of the regular school work done. So Nanaw plans to have Chase catch up tomorrow. When Nanaw took Chase home, they saw that Mama was sitting outside in the driveway. Then Daddy came out, and Mama got a chair for Chase. It was very cute.

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