Friday, December 1, 2023

Friday, December 1, 2023

Mama had the day off from work so she took Chase to school. Mama brought her three dozen cookies for tomorrow’s craft fair so she walked in with Chase. Chase went to Santa’s Cottage and bought Christmas presents for Mama, Daddy and Nanaw. While he was there shopping, someone took a picture of him that was posted on the school‘s Facebook page, along with the photo the principal took of him reading the Pledge of Allegiance and the ICS Mission Statement. So Chase made Facebook twice this week. On Friday morning, Mama and Nanaw went Christmas shopping and ran errands. They went to the library where Mama checked out four Christmas romance novels. They went to Walmart and bought lots of miscellaneous things. Nanaw was happy to find a Christmas stocking for her kitties. Next, they went to the AB brewery where Mama bought Christmas presents for Uncle Mike. Next, they went to Macy’s at South County Mall because Nanaw wanted to see the Christmas things because they always Make her feel Christmassy. But it was sort of a disappointment. In the afternoon, the plan was to take Chase to Handyman Hardware to see their decorations. But Mama got a call from the school secretary to tell her Chase was throwing up. When Mama went back into school to get the rest of Chase's things, she saw the principal coming to clean up the mess. Mama felt bad but laughed when he said to her “You owe me!” Nanaw went over to see Chase in the late afternoon, and he had a slight fever and was really tired but at least he wasn’t throwing up anymore. Mama bought two new blow-ups for the front yard. Daddy put up the Santa with Santa Jack and the Snowman with the penguins. Then he put the brown dog with Baby Shark so Baby Shark wasn't lonely.

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