Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Chase's hockey team had a consolation game on Sunday morning before the end of the tournament, and they lost the game. It turned out that two of the teams in the tournament should have been in a higher bracket. That might have been why Chase's team didn't do as well as they usually do. On Saturday, the boys swam once and played a lot of knee hockey in a room set aside for that. Mama, Daddy and Chase also visited the Notre Dame bookstore. Mama said they left South Bend about 11:45, and they got back to Columbia around four. Mama came to get Sam, Sylvester and Tyler, and they were so glad to see their Mama. Mama did a Facebook post about the trip to South Bend, and five of the photos are shown below. Mama told Nanaw to come over at about 6:30 for their New Year's Eve celebration. They had lots of yummy food, including shrimp, summer sausage and cheese, toasted ravioli, mini tacos, cheese buns, and taquitos. They all took their food downstairs because Mama wanted to watch the Vikings football game. They had to watch it downstairs because it was on NBC, and Direct TV wasn't carrying NBC. Daddy had hooked up an antenna to the downstairs TV so they could watch NBC. After they ate, Chase and Nanaw came upstairs to Mama's office so Nanaw could watch Chase play his new NHL24 game that he got for Christmas. Nanaw is so happy that Chase has something -- hockey -- that he's passionate about. When Chase was done playing the hockey game, they went into the living room to watch the dropping of the ball in New York City at midnight their time, 11 o'clock Columbia time. Mama and Daddy went to bed shortly after that, saying they didn't want to stay up till midnight. But Chase was determined to stay up till midnight. But at 10 to 12, he said he wanted to go to bed. Nanaw tucked him in and went home, one of only two cars on the road at midnight.

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