Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Chase threw up on Tuesday morning so he had to stay home from school. After a while, he ate some Honey-nut Cheerios. He kept them down and seemed to feel better. He did his hour on a device on his phone. Today was cleaning lady day but Nanaw hadn't read the text from Merry Maids saying they'd be here between 8 and 9 on Tuesday morning. Nanaw had thought it would be the regular between 12 and 2 time. So Nanaw only had a short time to get everything picked up and put away. She managed to do it in 40 minutes. Then she and Chase gathered up their stuff and went downstairs. But the cleaning lady didn't come. So Nanaw texted Merry Maids to find out when she was coming. They said the person scheduled to come between 8 and 9 was sick so somebody else would be there between 12 and 1. Chase and Nanaw ate lunch downstairs, and Chase gave Nanaw a concert on the keyboard. He had a lot of fun, and Nanaw was extremely happy she bought a keyboard for him for Christmas. He's going to really like having one at his house. Nanaw went up to school to get Chase's homework, and he worked on it during the afternoon. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs so he could give Nanaw another concert on the keyboard. Mama and Daddy were working at Queen of Hearts this evening so Nanaw got to have Chase till 7 p.m., which made her very happy. 

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