Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Thursday, December 8, 2023

On Thursday night, Mama said Nanaw should sleep in on Thursday, and she would bring the bug over between meetings, at about 10:30 if he didn't go to school, He was still coughing and feeling bad so he stayed home again. Mama brought a Lunchable for Chase's lunch, along with raspberries and yogurt. Nanaw went up to Chase's school to get his homework assignments out of the black box sitting in front of the school for the purpose of homework packets. Chase and Nanaw did lots of homework and studying. He had math homework, an English worksheet, and vocabulary words. They spent the afternoon studying for his religion test and science test that were scheduled for Friday; Chase would take the tests if he goes back to school. He also has a DLR test tomorrow -- that's daily literature review test. Monday through Thursday, the students in Chase's class correct sentences for grammar, punctuation and spelling. Then on Friday, the teacher selects one sentence from each day for students to correct. Chase still isn't doing well, coughing a lot and sometimes throwing up from coughing so hard. In the evening Mama and Becca went shopping in Waterloo and then out to dinner. In the evening, Daddy helped Chase study for his DLR, science and religion tests on Friday.

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