Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Once again, Mama texted Nanaw to tell her that Chase wasn't going to school. She said he was coughing a lot and wasn't feeling any better. Later, Mama texted asking Nanaw to ask Chase what wall calendar he wanted for next year. He said he wanted an NHL hockey calendar. Mama really liked that idea. When Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's, she told him he couldn't play with devices all day. She said he could have an hour and a half in the morning and an hour and a half in the afternoon. He played with his hockey locker room for a long time, then did his AR reading, and then set an Alexa timer for his 90 minutes of device time. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs at about 11 because it was almost time for the cleaning lady to come. After the cleaning lady left, Nanaw went up to Chase's school to pick up his homework assignments but there was nothing in the homework box. Nanaw called Mama about it, and Mama emailed Chase's teacher. The teacher emailed back that the homework would be in the box at pickup time. Nanaw went and picked it up. Once again, there was so much homework. Chase started working on it right away and to Nanaw's surprise, got everything done but the history assignment and his second AR reading session of the day. Chase said he wouldn't be going to school tomorrow and would be do his history notes tomorrow. When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama and Daddy said they would be the ones to make the decision about whether he goes to school tomorrow.

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