Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

On Friday afternoon, Chase did his usual thing of not doing any homework after school, except for Nanaw asking him about math problems. She was doing the problems in his study guide packet for the math final exam on Thursday, May 16. He also has an extra credit math packet that's due on Thursday, May 16. Nanaw will do those problems too, next week. Friday night was the awards ceremony and dance for the 6th, 7th and 8th graders. Chase was very vocal about not wanting to go to the dance. He was not happy about going to the awards ceremony but had agreed to go to that with Daddy. Mama couldn't go because she was going to the celebration of life for Auntie LaLa's brother-in-law Scott. Nanaw was going out to the little house so she couldn't go either. Daddy took a picture for Mama and Nanaw of Chase getting an award for playing soccer. Daddy had insisted that Chase go to the dance for an hour. Then if he wanted to leave, he could call or text Daddy to come get him, which is what he ended up doing. He told Daddy he was bored. Mama found a picture of the dance with Chase in it on the school Facebook page and sent it to Nanaw. 

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