Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday, May 19, 2024

On Sunday morning, Mama and Daddy went to Walmart while Chase slept in till 9 a.m. Chase and Elias have been playing a lot of X-box. Chase stayed at the house and swam while Mama and Daddy had lunch at Stinky's. They brought fries and chicken back for Chase from Stinky's. Chase and Elias went swimming again but the pool is cold. Someone is coming to fix the heater tomorrow. All of the pets at Nanaw's house are doing well. There haven't been any major fights, just a little bit of growling and hissing. Sa and Sly are being very good; Nanaw took them for walks yesterday and today, as shown in the pictures below. Editor's Note: See the changes and additions to yesterday's post.

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