Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Chase and Nanaw had a good day on Thursday. Daddy took Chase to the big park at 7:30 a.m. for his first day at Running Club. Nanaw picked him up at 8:45; she wasn't sure where to go, other than the pavilion across from the tennis courts. Nanaw parked by the tennis courts, thinking Chase would see her car but he never did. She walked to the pavilion and finally found him so that's the way she'll find him each time. He'll have two sessions each week. He seemed to have had a good time. He had a popsicle and they had a sponge fight so he was soaking. His friend Hunter was there but his friend Joey wasn't. For lunch, Chase had the rest of his Jimmy John's sandwich from yesterday's supper. He also had two pieces of bread from the loaf of bread Mama bought for him at Jimmy John's. He loves it. They had school in the afternoon, and it went really well. They used the new 6th grade into 7th grade book that came from Amazon today. The first thing was a spelling test, which he did really well on. He also did a page of math problems from his 6th grade math book that we bought. He did an English reading thing and answered geography questions. Then Chase conned Nanaw into going outside for 30 minutes of PE, playing baseball, hitting and pitching. As part of their two hours for school. Then they started reading the Kidnapped book by Gordon Korman but both of them lost their voices. So Nanaw came up with a plan for tomorrow where she bought a Kindle book, and they'll have Alexa read it to them. Hopefully, this works.

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