Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunday, May 5, 2024 -- Cinco de Mayo -- Happy Birthday, Daddy and Cousin Joey

Mama reported to Nanaw that Chase's baseball team started playing their game in the early afternoon but the game had a delay. They had played part of an inning when it lightninged. That's a mandatory 30 minutes off the field. Then it started pouring down rain. They had lunch and had to be back on the field at 2. They lost their first game and then played their second game, which they lost also, 7 to 4. But they still won a medal. They headed home and hoped to be home by 10. Mama had Chase studying whenever he had a few minutes. He studied and English and math, Mama said he could study on the drive home. He has a math test tomorrow, and this is his last chance to improve his math grade. Mama said it rained all the rain home so hopefully Daddy was driving. Mama doesn't like driving in the rain. Mama told Daddy that she owes him a birthday dinner because of going to the baseball tournament  instead of celebrating Daddy's birthday.

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