Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday, May 31, 2024

Chase and Nanaw went for their walk on Friday morning. At Chase's request, they turned left instead of their regular right. Chase spent most of the walk examining cicadas and throwing them into the air to see if they would fly off. He's fascinated by them and has decided to make them a project. Nanaw doesn't know what he wants to do as the project but she'll help however she can. She told him there were a couple of cicada articles in the newspaper that she would give him. When school started, they tried something different with the reading. On Thursday, they tried reading the book Kidnapped out loud but both Nanaw and Chase lost their voices after not too much reading. So Nanaw bought the book from Kindle so that Alexa can read it to them So that's what they did on Friday, and it worked very well. Nanaw is not sure that she and Chase really like the book so they might choose another Gordon Korman book and set it up the same way. Nanaw will ask Chase about it on Monday.

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