Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Today was Chase and Nanaw's first day of summer vacation together. Chase wanted to have breakfast before their morning walk so they did. On their walk, Chase wanted to take Tee Tee and Lars, like he did so many times last year. It makes Nanaw happy that he still pays attention to his stuffed animals. Mama said when they went downstairs the other night after the tornado warnings, Chase took some of the guys down with him. On the walk, they looked for the kitten they saw last year, who would now be a big cat, but saw no sign of him or her. They also looked for the library box and saw that it was still in place. They looked inside but didn't take any books. They said maybe tomorrow, they would bring a book to donate. Also for tomorrow, they might go to the county library to find a Gordon Korman book to read this summer. Nanaw will ask Chase if he wants to participate in the library's summer reading program and get free tickets to the Magic House. After Nanaw's nap, she make Mostaccioli for lunch. Chase really liked it and thought about having a second helping but changed his mind after feeling too full. They only had an hour of school  because of Nanaw's church meeting in the afternoon. They'll have their regular two hours tomorrow. Chase did some extra practice math in the copy of the 6th grade ICS math book Nanaw bought from Thrift books. He didn't much like it so Nanaw will find math that he likes to do. He also went through the state capitals and had problems with some of them so they'll study them again this summer. Nanaw took Chase home early, about 3:30 because of her church meeting. 

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