Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nanaw found an old blue phone downstairs that Pawpaw had used with his computer, and she gave it to Chase to play with. He pretended to call Mama on the phone and talk to her -- it was very cute. Then he pretended that it was his fishing phone. It has a long cord and he pretended like he caught a fish with it. Tuesday's adventure was a trip to the Magic House. Chase was very excited about that. The Magic House is now officially his favorite adventure. At the Magic House, he played on the cars, went to the craft area, went to the tech area and colored airplanes that he scanned so they showed up on the wall, played in the water works, went down the slide, played in the bubble room, played with the "babies" in the hospital, went to the bank, went to the grocery store, went to the library, climbed down the rope ladder, and played with the air ball system. As usual, he didn't want to leave, even though he and Nanaw had been there for two hours. He really loves that place.

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