Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Chase brought three of his dinosaurs along with him when Nanaw picked him up. He named them: Chase, Chuck and Bubble Squawk -- he has quite the imagination. Nanaw forgot to bring along Chase's Thomas pillow for his rest time when she took him to school. She told Chase she was sorry she had forgotten it. And that sweet little boy said, "That's okay, Nanaw. I can rest without it." When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went to the big park for Chase to play. He was happy that there were two little girls there that he could play with. He raced his three little cars that he uses in the park. He went on the slides, played in the sand, played on the airplane, and walked on the danger things -- and fell off the last one. Fortunately, he didn't hurt himself. He still didn't drink any chocolate milk at Nanaw's house but drank lots of orange juice. When Nanaw took Chase home, she had to remember to take the dinosaurs and all of Chase's artwork from school. As soon as Chase got home, he and Daddy played in the kitchen with the little Halloween bouncy balls -- one of Chase's bounced into the sink, and Chase got a big kick out of that.

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