Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Daddy had the day off from work on Ash Wednesday. He took Chase to church for mass and then took him to school. Nanaw had the cable guy coming at 1 p.m. and she wasn't sure he'd be done before it was time to pick up Chase from school but he was. Chase was the last one out of the school from his class, and Mrs. Neff told Nanaw he was coming -- he had to clean up the mess on his desk. At first, he wouldn't tell Nanaw what happened but he finally told her Brady took his folder and dumped his papers. Somehow Chase ended up with Bella's papers so he'll take them back to her tomorrow. After school, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs while Nanaw walked on the treadmill and Chase played hockey in the playpen -- who knows! In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's ice skating lessons. He did better than ever this week, even gliding. Mama is going to ask him he wants to take another course of skating lessons. He has one more lesson in this course; the new course starts Monday, March 18.

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