Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Today was picture day at Chase's school, and he wore a new shirt that Mama bought for him. He looked very handsome. For some reason, Chase decided to scoot down the stairs on his butt -- so Nanaw took pictures of him scooting. The school sent a notification about Chase's grade on his math test -- he got 25 out of 25. He's doing really well in school. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he didn't know about his math test grade so she told him. The weather was cooler today, and Nanaw thought she might go to Chase's soccer game tonight. But Mama said there was no air circulation on the soccer field and it might still be too hot for Nanaw. On the way home from school, Nanaw told Chase he was going to read for ten minutes and practice his spelling words. He didn't like that at all, and he said he was going to spray the hand sanitizer in Nanaw's face. Nanaw was not happy about that and told Chase so. She also said he would have to have a five minute time-out. Nanaw had Chase sit in a dining room chair for five minutes. After that, Nanaw had Chase draw a picture of his classroom so Nanaw knew where he sat, etc. Chase did his reading and then typed his spelling words on the computer. When Nanaw took Chase home, she realized she'd forgotten to bring the bag of stuffed animals. So she brought them back later. The first three pictures are of Mama's three pumpkins. 

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