Friday, March 31, 2023

Friday, March 31, 2023

Something exciting happened this afternoon about dismissal at Chase's school. Severe weather forecasts and announcements were happening all day, and the school decided to dismiss the students at 1 p.m. instead of 2 p.m. The school emailed the parents to come to pick up their children, and Mama texted Nanaw to tell her about it and to pick up Chase. But Nanaw was taking a nap and had her phone on silent. So Mama went to pick up Chase and take him to Nanaw's house. At Nanaw's house, Chase said he thought it would be Nanaw who came to pick him up. Mama told Nanaw a funny thing Chase said,  and Nanaw loved it. Mama asked Chase to tell her all about how it happened, and Chase said, "Let me take you back to 1 o'clock." It was so funny. He told how his teacher came out to where the class was at lunch recess and called them inside and told them they would be going home early. When Mama got to school, someone was standing out on the sidewalk, asking for the students' names. Mama gave her Chase's name and they radioed inside the school with Chase's name, and in a few minutes, he came out. At Nanaw's house, he played on the computer, played on the piano and learned from the computer how to play Kill Bill on the piano with little pieces of post-it notes with numbers on them on the keyboard. He also played knee hockey with some of Nanaw's stuffed animals. Chase's baseball practice was canceled, and Mama picked him up at 4:30. The first picture below is a selfie that Chase offered to take of himself and a tiny stuffed puppy named Dobie.

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