Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

For breakfast, Chase had butter bread, long skinny yogurt, string cheese and chocolate milk, along with his vitamins and probiotic. Later for his snack, Nanaw included strawberries and a cheese stick, plus whales crackers, lemonade and some candy. He worked on a tornado game on Roblox, which made Nanaw very happy. She hopes Chase will get interested in video game development, and she plans to do some research on ways to get him started on that. School went well but it was shorter than usual. Chase did well with math, and Nanaw thinks it was a good idea to go back through his sixth grade math book to have him re-study it. She looked at the seventh grade math book that she bought for their studying in the next school year, and a lot of what he learned this year will be repeated again next year so that's a good thing. Nanaw had to have Chase at home by 3:45 on Friday afternoon because he had hockey practice. Daddy took him to practice, and Mama went to the Jimmy John's to get dinner for them.

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